The Bank of Algae and Cyanobacteria of the Azores (BACA), located at the University of the Azores, Portugal, was created in 2018 under the framework of the project REBECA-Red de Excelencia en Biotecnología Azul (algas) de la Región Macaronesia (MAC/1.1a/060). BACA is registered in the World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WDCM #1242), and is a member of the European Culture Collection Organization (ECCO) and the Portuguese microBiological Resource Center Network (PT-mBRCN).


The diversity of taxa in BACA, from cyanobacteria, green microalgae, diatoms and dinoflagellates, helps to understand the ecology and conditions of the Azorean habitats.


Through genetics and genomics works, with several genomes of BACA strains published, we are supporting novel approaches to taxonomy and biodiscovery.


The study of BACA’s unique genetic resources allows the discovery of novel metabolites with biotechnological, pharmaceutical or cosmeceutical applications.


The study of BACA unique genetic resources allows the discovery of novel metabolites with biotechnological, pharmaceutical or cosmeceutical applications.


Strains from the Azores are deposited in BACA


Cyanobacteria strains are deposited in BACA


Microalgae strains are deposited in BACA


Genera has been drescribed from BACA


Species has been drescribed from BACA

Vítor Gonçalves


Ecology, Taxonomy

Rúben Luz


Taxonomy, Genomics, Biotechnology

Rita Cordeiro


Toxicity, Genomics

Amélia Fonseca



Inês Borges

Master Student

Genomics, Biotechnology

Recent Projects

BACA has participated in several scientific, national and internal projects, supporting scientific innovation and countributing with new isolated strains, biomass production, characterization (genetical and chemical) and bioactive compoud valorization.


The CALYPSO project aims to contribut to the regeneration of industrial and agricultural waste through cultivation of algae and leverage the application of its polysaccharides in biomedical products and environmental measures that generate a positive impact on society.


Microalgae in IT

The Microalgae in IT project aims to develop and demonstrate an innovative and cost e ective circular blue bioeconomy model where carbon dioxide from flue gas and nutrients from agri-food residues are used for enhancing microalgae growth in the controlled cultivation environment in photobioreactos.

The 3B-vent project will investigate the microbial diversity associated with marine species of coastal hydrothermal vents, to understand the biological interactions between host/microbioma in face of environmental changes. It is also aimed to identify bacteria with potential for new marine bioactive natural products that can be used in a wide range of applications and allow the establishment of innovative investments with economic/social benefits for the Azorean population.

REBECA is a territorial development and cooperation platform created to promote Blue Biotechnology within the geographical scope of the Macaronesian region and northwest Africa.
REBECA brings together culture collections, R&D centers and the Administration with the mission of conserving and enhancing Biodiversity and serving as an embryo for the development and implementation of an innovative industry based on the cultivation of microalgae and cyanobacteria that represents an economic engine and the improvement of the quality of life in the region.

Metabolite profiling and bioactivity assessment of cyanobacteria from the Azores reveals unique producers of cytotoxic and lipid reducing compounds

Luz, R., Gonçalves, V., Vasconcelos, V. & Urbatzka, R. (2024). Metabolite profiling and bioactivity assessment of cyanobacteria from the Azores reveals unique producers of cytotoxic and lipid reducing compounds. Algal Research, 83,103703.

Screening of Lipid-Reducing Activity and Cytotoxicity of the Exometabolome from Cyanobacteria

Luz, R., Cordeiro, R., Gonçalves, V., Vasconcelos, V. & Urbatzka, R. (2024). Screening of Lipid-Reducing Activity and Cytotoxicity of the Exometabolome from Cyanobacteria. Marine Drugs, 22(9), 412.

Metabolomic and taxonomic characterization of Haloleptolyngbya lusitanica sp. nov. (Cyanobacteria, Synechococcales)

Cordeiro, R., Luz, R., Lage, S., Menezes, C., Dias, E., Flores, C., Fonseca A & Gonçalves, V. (2024). Metabolomic and taxonomic characterization of Haloleptolyngbya lusitanica sp. nov. (Cyanobacteria, Synechococcales). Phycologia, 63(2), 225-234.

Description of Azorothrix ramosa gen. et sp. nov. (Tolypotrichaceae, Cyanobacteria), a new Tolypotrichaceae from Atlantic oceanic islands

Luz, R., Hentschke, G. S., Cordeiro, R., Fonseca, A., Urbatzka, R., Vasconcelos, V. & Gonçalves, V. (2024). Description of Azorothrix ramosa gen. et sp. nov. (Tolypotrichaceae, Cyanobacteria), a new Tolypotrichaceae from Atlantic oceanic islands. Fottea, 24(1), 99-108.

Description of Pseudocalidococcus azoricus gen. sp. nov. (Thermosynechococcaceae, Cyanobacteria), a Rare but Widely Distributed Coccoid Cyanobacteria

Luz, R., Cordeiro, R., Kaštovský, J., Fonseca, A., Urbatzka, R., Vasconcelos, V. & Gonçalves, V. (2023). Description of Pseudocalidococcus azoricus gen. sp. nov. (Thermosynechococcaceae, Cyanobacteria), a Rare but Widely Distributed Coccoid Cyanobacteria. Diversity, 15(12), 1157.

New terrestrial cyanobacteria from the Azores Islands: Description of Venetifunis gen. nov. and new species of Albertania, Kovacikia and Pegethrix

Luz, R., Cordeiro, R., Kaštovský, J., Johansen, J. R., Dias, E., Fonseca, A., Urbatzka R, Vasconcelos V. & Gonçalves, V. (2023). New terrestrial cyanobacteria from the Azores Islands: Description of Venetifunis gen. nov. and new species of Albertania, Kovacikia and Pegethrix. Phycologia, 62(5), 483-498.

Description of four new filamentous cyanobacterial taxa from freshwater habitats in the Azores Archipelago

Luz, R., Cordeiro, R., Kaštovský, J., Johansen, J. R., Dias, E., Fonseca, A., Urbatzka R., Vasconcelos V. & Gonçalves, V. (2023). Description of four new filamentous cyanobacterial taxa from freshwater habitats in the Azores Archipelago. Journal of Phycology, 59(6), 1323-1338.

Cyanotoxin screening in BACA culture collection: Identification of new cylindrospermopsin producing cyanobacteria

Cordeiro, R., Azevedo, J., Luz, R., Vasconcelos, V., Gonçalves, V., & Fonseca, A. (2021). Cyanotoxin screening in BACA culture collection: Identification of new cylindrospermopsin producing cyanobacteria. Toxins, 13(4), 258.